Guest lecture: development of semiconductors in Poland. CONTEST for students!
SEMI Europe, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of University of Gdańsk, and Invest in Pomerania invite all interested to a guest lecture regarding the development of the semiconductor industry in Poland.
The lecture accompanies the Industry Strategy Symposium in Sopot, the largest conference of the semiconductor sector in Europe. This year's proceedings are focused on the topic "AI: Catalyst to Propel Europe's Competitiveness".
The lecture will be led by Bernard Capraro and Kartikey Srivastava from SEMI, the largest global organization associating 1.5 million professionals from the entire supply chain of semiconductor design and production. The aim of the hour-long speech is to encourage students to consider a career in the most dynamically developing sector of the economy and to present opportunities for international student cooperation.
The presentation will discuss SEMI educational programs available in Europe, including prestigious summer courses that prepare you to develop a career in the industry.
The event will take place on March 12th, 2025 at 10:00 AM in room D005 of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the University of Gdańsk.
The lecture will be held in English!
University students enrolled in STEM fileds (that includes physics, mathematics and informatics) can win a free ticket to the Industry Strategy Symposium Europe event. All one needs to do is record a short 3 to 5 minute video, presenting how generation Z envisions the future of work and workplaces. More details on the poster above.