Procedure to confer the degree of doctor

Formal requirements for candidates for the doctoral degree

The requirements to be met by an applicant for a doctoral degree are set out in the Act of 20 July 2018. - Law on Higher Education and Science (as amended) and Resolution No. 12/23 of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk of 2 March 2023 on defining the Procedure for awarding the degree of doctor at the University of Gdańsk (as amended):


1.A doctoral dissertation may be a written work, including a scientific monograph, a collection of published and thematically related scientific articles, a design, construction, technological, implementation or artistic work.

2. A person who has received positive reviews from at least 2 reviewers (3 reviewers are appointed) may be admitted to the doctoral dissertation defence.

3. A person who, within the last 5 years, has been the supervisor of four doctoral students who were removed from the list of doctoral students due to a negative mid-term evaluation or has supervised the preparation of a dissertation by at least 2 doctoral applicants who did not obtain positive reviews may not become a promoter.

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Submitted on Monday, 5. August 2024 - 07:25 by Aneta Lewicka Changed on Monday, 5. August 2024 - 07:29 by Aneta Lewicka